Genesee Valley Organic
        Community Supported Agriculture


Farm Work and Play Guidelines

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You are responsible for finding a replacement if you cannot work your shift. Please notify schedulers of changes.


The trip to Peacework Organic Farm takes an hour. Please leave enough time so that you do not have to rush and you arrive at the farm at 8 am.

Carpool when possible

Please remember that you will be transporting food back to the city, so use the most spacious car you have, and leave plenty of empty space. You may want to bring plastic sheets to cover seats and trunk

Dress Suggestions 

Wear durable clothing that you don't mind getting wet or dirty.

Bring extra clothes you can change into for the trip home if it is a wet day.

Wear layers you can add or take off for comfort.

Wear sturdy, comfortable shoes.  The grass is often wet early in the morning, so it is a good idea to bring boots.

Wear clothing that blocks the sun. Bring a broad-brimmed hat. Use opaque sunscreens.

If it is chilly, dress in many layers so you can add or take off for comfort. If it is cold, bring gloves. 


Farm work goes on rain or snow, electrical storms and life threatening winds excepted. Please prepare for exposure to rain and wet ground if the weather is not dry.

Bring a warm jacket, if it is cool. Weather in Wayne County can be different from Rochester.


If you use repellents in your relationships with the insects, you will need them at the farm. Populations vary with the season and the weather.  You will find mosquitos, or they will find you, primarily when you visit their turf - the tall grasses,near streams, and the woods areas.  Oil of lavender, pennyroyal and citronella are effective natural repellents. 

If you are allergic to bee stings please let the farmers know.

Water to drink 

There is no water supply in the fields.  Bring a personal water container of your choice, filled with ice if you like. We suggest you bring plain water, or electrolyte containing fluids if you perspire heavily, not sweetened beverages. 


Farm work is scheduled to start after your breakfast at home, and to be completed at noon meal time. You are urged to bring a lunch to the farm and to join the farmers for a picnic meal after work is completed.

Bring any snacks you might like or need to maintain your energy while working in the fields or barn.


Children are welcome at the farm under the supervision of their parents or appointed substitute. Some families bring an extra adult or teenager to watch toddlers. The Children's Committee has designed a play area for the children with a sandbox and swing. Children enjoy supervised hikes to the streams, ponds and woods of the farm. Roland Micklem, a naturalist who is wonderful at sharing wildlife secrets with children aged 6 to 60, will be at the farm many Sunday mornings this season.

On designated workdays, an extra adult will be scheduled to do childcare, or all adults will rotate childcare and farm work. For babies in arms, please bring a backpack, play pen or stroller, so you hands will be free. Children over 5 are capable of an hour or so of farm work. Children over 8 usually work the full 4 hours with a break for a snack. With advance notice, farmers will try to organize work the children can do.

There are 4 rules for children: 

1. They must stay out of the barns, sheds and off the equipment, unless expressly permitted by the farmer.

2. They must be able to recognize poison ivy, and stay out of it. If they touch poison ivy, they must tell a farmer and we will provide Tecnu, a product that prevents the poison from working.

3. They must be accompanied by an adult if they go near Ganargua Creek or any of the farm ponds.

4. They should have a good time!

Copyright © GVOCSA 2000-2007. All rights reserved.